Important Note: To participate in the Seattle Startups Career Fair, you will need to have completed all deliverables.

Deliverable Submissions form:

Deliverable #1 (Due by the end of Monday, April 18th)

We will be doing a startup one-pager inspired by the "lean canvas," which is a concept borrowed from the "lean startup methodology" - the method that's considered the driving force behind the Silicon Valley startup success. The one-pager is a crucial deliverable as it will teams cycle fast through multiple ideas and settle on the most attractive one. Here's a great brief description of what a startup lean canvas should look like: Make sure you read through it as it provides all the fundamentals you need for the one-pager. Here are the basics of what you should cover:

  1. Problem
  2. Customer Segments
  3. Unique Value Proposition
  4. Solution
  5. Channels
  6. Revenue Streams
  7. Cost Structure (Business Model)
  8. Key Metrics
  9. Unfair Advantage

The points should be pretty self-explanatory, but don't hesitate to reach out if any Qs come up (more info on each item is included in the blog post). Also, this deliverable isn't set in stone, so if you want to modify a couple of points - feel free to do so, but make sure you cover the fundamentals. Also, make sure you keep it to only 1 page (it's called a one-pager for a reason). Btw our speakers will largely cover different parts of that ideation process, so we strongly encourage groups (or at least a couple of members from each group) to attend. Our speakers are some of the most successful startup leaders in Seattle and will give you truly invaluable insights into a startup's early life. We're very lucky to have them so make sure you do your best to attend.

Deliverable #2 (Due by the end of Wednesday, April 20th)

We will be doing a good old startup pitch deck. We've provided some optional but truly golden pitch/deck resources below (one from Y Combinator and another from Sequoia) if you want to take your startup knowledge to the next level. Again, don't hesitate to ask any Qs that come up, and we also encourage everyone to explore the vast amounts of information on the web about building effective startups.

Pitch Decks:

Dave Parker’s presentation could be found here