This page is the event handbook for the Startup Studio.
This page will have important links and resources, such as deliverable details, calendar of events, links to other platforms like Slack, and more. Make sure to bookmark or save this link!
The last deliverable, final pitch deck, is due Wednesday 4/20 at 11:59 PM! See “Deliverables” tab for submission form.
☎️ Slack
Please contact us at [email protected] if you are having trouble with any of the links! Slack is also the best way to get ahold of us with any questions or comments.
All events below are highly encouraged, although we do ask that you attend all events related to team deliverables as well as our kickoff and closing ceremony.
6 pm - 7 pm: Kickoff Event! Location: Deloitte Commons Get excited about the Startup Studio and meet your teammates! Pizza and more refreshments will be provided 🍕
6 pm - 7:30 pm: Ideation Workshop Location: PCAR 294 How do I make an effective idea which doesn’t just crash and burn? Join speakers, Julie Sandluski (Leading Product Designer) and David Zager (Chief Design Officer and Partner), from Seattle’s leading VC firm Pioneer Square Labs for an exciting workshop!
This event is critical for developing and choosing a competitive business idea.
10 am - 11:30 am: Customer Discovery Workshop Location: PCAR 192 (Shansby Auditorium) How do you make a product that people actually want? And how do you actually find those people? Customer Discovery is about that.
Join Levi Reed, co-founder of Eunimart, for an engaging look at the world of customer discovery - and find your own solutions for the Startup Studio.
This event is critical to identifying your target consumer and outlining your business plan.